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Friday, June 30, 2006

im ill
...haduhh badan ngga enak banget hari ini...
...semua yang gw makan keluar lagi...
...lemes... going home early today...

chichi cantik & jahat @ 1:07 AM | |

Thursday, June 29, 2006

temen kerja
di tempat kerja gw sekarang, jam kerjanya ngga pasti..
karena broadcast, dan kebetulan bagian produksi pula...
dari awal masuk, bahkan waktu wawancara pun, udah diingatkan...
bahwa butuh kerja keras, niat, bakalan sulit bersosialisasi sama dunia luar kantor..
yang punya pacar harus siap putus dan lain lain..
intinya cape bangett!!

gw pikir itu bercanda..
ngetes doang...

tapi ternyata itu bener banget...

dan singkat kata ketika pertama ngawalinnya, ternyata lebih berat daripada ngebayanginnya...
berat banget... belom lagi homesick, ga punya duit, adaptasi sama this fuckin city, Jakarta..

gw dateng kesini tanpa temen satupun...
dan gw kenalan sama temen cowo, (inisial F aja ya)
he's so nice..


karena dia rela nemenin gw yang buta jakarta pake bis karena kasian takut gw nyasar..
dia dengerin curhatan gw yang selalu ngeluh tentang jahatnya jakarta, dan betapa gw kangen cowo gw..
banyak deh kebaik-hatian dia yang lain..

gw yakin dia pada dasarnya emang baik hati..bukan karena ada minat lain..

baru loh gw nemu orang sebaik dia..

dia ngga pernah ngegossip atau ngomongin apapun yang berkonotasi negatif..ever...
selalu positif...bahkan edukatif...

sayang kita beda bagian..dia di bagian yang lebih cape..cape banget...

sampe tadi kita ngobrol, dan dia bilang dia mau re-sign aja
karena dia ngga bisa punya kehidupan lain dengan ritme kerja dia...
dan dia mau ambil scholarship aja ke aussie...

sedihh banget gw...

sedih banget...

his my very first friend in this company...

chichi cantik & jahat @ 7:36 AM | |

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


hari ini saya melakukan hal yang sangat revolusioner!!!!

i waxed my upperlips!

so, no more chichi kumis !!!
nobody's going to call me that !

hahahahhahaahahha *ketawa ala penjahat*

chichi cantik & jahat @ 10:00 PM | |

hari ini gw iseng ikutan tes di salah satu BUMN..
pesertanya 80.000 orang di seantero nusantara
hari ini baru tes pertama doang, psikotes..
psikotes yang pake timer waktu ngerjainnya..

sebelumnya gw kenalan dulu sama cewe yang duduk di sebelah gw
pake jilbab, lumayan cantik, nampak kalem dan pinter...
dia cerita kalo sebenernya dia udah kerja, jadi asisten dosen..
sayang gw ngga sempet nanyain perguruan tinggi apa...

nah, pas kertas soal dibagiin ke peserta, secara jelas terdengar para instruktur bilang jangan mulai sebelum dikasih aba-aba..tiap sesi bakalan ada aba-aba untuk mulai dan berhenti ngerjain psikotes...

nahh!! si ibu as-dos terhormat ini curang!!
dia selalu curang di setiap sesi, selalu curi start, dan melampaui finish...
walaupun udah berkali-kali ditegor dia tetep curang..
bebal juga ya bu asdos ini..

plis dwehh!!! seorang asdos!!
asdos kan harusnya pinter..
well, ok deh gw ngga mau terlalu jahat
mungkin dia pintar secara intelegensia..
tapi secara mental...


semoga dia ngga keterima deh...
soalnya yang tadi tuh tes untuk perusahaan negara..
kalo orang kaya gitu lolos, sedih aja...
pas tes aja udah curang, apalagi pas kerja...

orang-orang yang kaya gitu kali ya yang bikin negara kita pathethic gini...

duh bu asdos bu asdos....
malang sekali mentalmu...

hmm jadi penasaran, harusnya tadi pas balik gw nanya ya..
asdos dimana mba?
mungkin salah satu perguruan tinggi dengan luas bangunan 20x20 meter dengan sloga we're not the first but the best..dan dengan spanduk lusuh :3 tahun lulus, S1, tanpa skripsi, 6 juta saja!!

hahahahaha... poor thing..

chichi cantik & jahat @ 1:59 AM | |

Monday, June 26, 2006

hold on

im lost in myself
teach me to hold on

hate this aimles thought
hate my evil side

i wanna believe in hope again

convinced that emotional value worthwhile

chichi cantik & jahat @ 4:59 AM | |

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Memori olfaktori
Kalo ngga salah, memori olfaktori itu, memori yang indra pemicunya adalah indra penciuman...

Hari ini, pagi ini tepatnya, dalam perjalanan ke kantor, Chi nyium (membaui) seseorang dengan wangi yang bikin Chi termehe-mehe kalo nyiumnya 10 taun yang lalu...

Ngga tau merk parfumnya apa...

Cuma wangi parfum itu bikin Chi termehe-mehe selama 7 tahun...INSANE!

More than that, not just officially insane, its also stupid and silly...

Jadi inget temen Chi pernah ngomong, kalo wangi parfum seseorang tuh identitas..

Parfum Eternity ngingetin Chichi sama si ini...
Parfum CK one ngingetin Chi sama si itu...
Parfum Davidoff Coolwater Men bikin Chi inget si ono...
Parfum Iceberg remids me to the same person...

Every scent of perfume remids me to something...somewhere..selalu...

Chi selalu memaknai seseorang dan suatu moment dan mengasosiasikannya dengan wewangian..

Good times and Bad times..

Chi inget selama SD ada satu temen Chi yang tasnya punya wangi yang khas..
Dan ketika pas kemaren pas kulia ketemu sama temen baru, ketika dia buka tas, ternyata wanginya sama kaya wangi tas temen SD gw dulu..
Asli, Chi sebellll banget....cuz i hate my old friend...

Kadang wangi juga buat Chi ngaruh banget sama suatu hubungan..
Ada waktunya dimana Chi ngerasa ada yang surut dalam suatu hubungan..
Tapi waktu Chi cium wangi tertentu... Rasa baru tumbuh lagi. Hopefully better than before....

Currently, Chi lagi pengen banget nyium wanginya Iceberg Effusion...need it!

chichi cantik & jahat @ 9:13 PM | |

Friday, June 23, 2006

does weight bother you that much?
Hmm mungkin sebelum nanya itu ke semua cewe di dunia, Chi nanya ke Chi sendiri dulu ya?
Yes it is.

Masalah berat badan sensitif banget buat kaum cewe...

Angka yang kayanya ngga pernah tepat. Selalu dirasa berlebih, atau kurang.
Kenapa ya bisa kaya gitu?
Ada yang ngebela-belain ke dokter gizi saking pengen ngegemukin..
"I want boobies, i hate to be this thin"
"Im to skinny, i hate to see my pale cheek"
"Jelek banget ya perut gw Chi, cekung gini.."

Banyak yang ngoyo banget pengen ngurusin...
"Biar ga gendut, tiap subuh aku minum kopi biar bisa pup banyak, kalo ngga ngefek aku pake Dulcolax"(dear girl, lo cuma bakal dehidrasi pake pencahar itu!)
"Teteh ngurusin kan Chi, Teteh ke dokter, pake obat, 1 pil nya 200.000" (bahkan ada yang berjuta-juta untuk suntik dan treatment)
"Mba, kalo belum umur 17 boleh suntik kurus ga ya? Aku pengen nih.."
"Aku lagi ngontrol makan sekarang, kayanya berat badan aku berlebih deh..."* (dilanjut dengan icip-icip sebuah Big Mac dan diikuti setoples Pringles ChezzUm)

Kenapa ya, kayanya susah banget buat cewe untuk nerima bentuk badannya apa adanya...
Padahal masih banyak banget hal penting dalam hidup yang harus diurusin..
Banyak juga orang kelaperan..Ngga usah jauh-jauh di Afrika deh, di Cianjur aja ada yang busung lapar...

Sebagai salah satu cewe yang jadi 'korban' dari pikiran -badan gw-harus-ideal- ini, yup gw akui, masih banyak hal yang harus lebih gw perduliin..Tapi susah banget to deal with it, semenara lingkungan kita 'perduli' (berlebihan malah) sama berat badan...

"Chi, ko kayanya ada yang beda ya?Ooo pipinya aga gemukan ya?"
"...HAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! MASAAA????!!!"
"Loh loh (panik, ngerasa ga enak), tapi makin cantik gini ko, keliatan lebih seger, mukanya lebih bersih, kulitnya bagus.."
"Haaa BETEEEE !!! " *dalem hati* pipi tembem apa hubungannya sama kulit bersih, lo ga tau apa kalo di dunia ini ada profesi yang namanya Dokter Kulit
"Ihh kenapa bete, kalo kata aku sih bagusan gini.."
"Hummm... :( " *dalem hati* ayo usaha lebih keras lagi untuk ngebalikin mood gw!!
Ting Tong..
"Eh liftnya dateng, aku turun dulu ya Chi, daaah" dengan senyum manis
....Chichi kembali ke ruangan dengan muka bertekuk....
....males liat cermin, ato ketemu orang lain yang kira-kira bakalan ngomong hal yang senada...
Sempet kepengen sih pake cara instan, suntik, pil, ato akupuntur ato jamu ato teh herbal, tapi gila yaaa!!! pasti ada efek sampingnya, secara fisik dan psikis...
Tau sih kalo yang paling bener tuh cuman OLAHRAGA
Tapi kan males...
Sama malesnya kaya denger komentar "Chi lo ngegendutin ya?".....
I wish i could kill the very first person who said that skinnier is prettier...

chichi cantik & jahat @ 1:22 AM | |

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Scorpio Woman
A simple woman who always show what kind of a moods she is in. You can tell right way if she up set, or if she is flirting with you.
She displays herself with her act much more than trying to say it for it's in her character.
A Scorpio woman has her own mysterious personality.
She is confident and deep down inside she is quite proud of herself.
She hates to think she is borne a woman and so limiting her with a certain social acceptable rules.
She is a real woman and despite her innocent and childish looks, she has aspirit of free soul. Many men will make mistake if they think she is a good follower, they are wrong.
She thinks being a plain simple housewife is boring.
She likes to have power and control over other people, but this will be only her secret, so you will only see a cute woman.
Everything she does will look good, and she has all the women's tricks you can think of.
She can manipulate men without them knowing it.
If you think she going to do everything you say because she loves you,then you will be disappointed.
She could be a little tomboyish and she can understand you by just looking in your eyes.
You may say sweet words which could sweep any woman, but not with the Scorpio woman. She will use her X-ray eyes reading your thought of what you just said or what you are going to say.
She always smile and she can really hide her feeling. She will constantly show you that she loves freedom.
If she has freedom, she will not leave you, but will even love you more.
If she wants something, she will do everything to get it.
She has her own sixth sense of peopleand you can feel that energy feed back when you around her.
She likes a man who can earn her respect, and she will also respect and feel proud of that man. A man with power over her should not threat or challenge her confident.
She likes to have a good looking, strong and healthy man especially if she starts to compare with her friends' boyfriends. It is a plus if he hold a degree or a good career.She is a hot lady. She likes heavy music.
She either loves or hates, there are no "fond of", or "like" for her.
Love has no "may be",or "perhaps". If she is real mad, she will trash and throw things.
Her wind storm can sweep all her dishes and you could get accidentally hit on your head for this matter. Be calm, it is just your grand mother favorite china for she has good quality as much as her bad tempered.
Sometimes she shows her weakness, but it won't be long. She will put herself together and back to be that hot chili again. If she loves you, it will be no matter what other people may say.
Her relationship will be more important than what is right or wrong. Becauseof this reason, you may know some Scorpio woman become a second wife, a mistress.
She is spoil, but she allows her love one to over power her.
Dating this woman, you should not keep old love letters in your pocket or in your house.
It could be a love letter 2 years ago, but never mind she will argue about this since this is a big deal for a suspicious woman. Remember she has a temper of the shrew.
If you play a cold war with her, she will treat you likewise and double it.
If you stood her up once, she will stood you up2-3 times.
She is quite fair in justice, so she can accept your apologies as much as she can pretend to accept things for now and wait for a payback revenge in the future.
If you are nice to her, she will double that to you as well. A real fair woman.
She likes to make and spent money.
She likes to have fameand reputations, and never let herself broke and have no name at the sametime.
She is too proud and will not accept status of being "Poor".
She loves to have face, so if you are a manager with small salary, she will be proud more than more money being a truck driver.
She hates to think andshe can not stand a feeling of being a "Nobody".
If you like her, play a little hard to get. This will excite her a bit. When you go out on a date, set your schedule, but do not let she knows that you have planned this for weeks. Always go to pick her up on time or better to go 5-10 minutes early.

chichi cantik & jahat @ 6:02 AM | |

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Hear What Oprah Should Say About Men

If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away.
If he doesn't want you, nothing can make him stay.
Stop making excuses for a man and his behavior.
Allow your intuition (or spirit) to save you from heartache.
Stop trying to change yourself for a relationship that's not meant to be.

Slower is better.
Never live your life for a man before you find what makes you truly happy.
If a relationship ends because the man was not treating you as you deserve then heck no, you can't "be friends".
A friend wouldn't mistreat a friend.

Don't settle.
If you feel like he is stringing you along, then he probably is.
Don't stay because you think "it will get better".
You'll be mad at yourself a year later for staying when things are not better.
The only person you can control in a relationship is you.

Avoid men who've got a bunch of children by a bunch of different women.
He didn't marry them when he got them pregnant, why would he treat you any differently?

Always have your own set of friends separate from his.

Maintain boundaries in how a guy treats you.
If something bothers you, speak up.

Never let a man know everything. He will use it against you later.
You cannot change a man's behavior.
Change comes from within.

Don't EVER make him feel he is more important than you are...
Even if he has more education or in a better job.
Do not make him into a quasi-god. He is a man, nothing more nothing less.
Never let a man define who you are.

Never borrow someone else's man.
If he cheated with you, he'll cheat on you.

A man will only treat you the way you ALLOW him to treat you.
All men are NOT dogs.
You should not be the one doing all the bending...compromise is two way street.

You need time to heal between relationships...there is nothing cute about baggage... deal with your issues before pursuing a new relationship.

You should never look for someone to COMPLETE you...
a relationship consists of two WHOLE individuals.
Look for someone complimentary, not supplementary.
Dating is fun...even if he doesn't turn out to be Mr. Right.

Make him miss you sometimes...when a man always know where you are, and you're always readily available to him - he takes it for granted.

Never move into his mother's house.
Never co-sign for a man.

Don't fully commit to a man who doesn't give you everything that you need.
Keep him in your radar but get to know others.

Share this with other women and men (just so they know)... You'll make someone smile, another rethink her choices, and another woman prepare.

They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them and an entire lifetime to forget them.

chichi cantik & jahat @ 8:38 PM | |

Hidup katanya selalu tentang pilihan..
Apapun itu, in life it's always about choice..

Mungkin kita baru ngeh banget tentang quotes itu waktu kita udah mulai gede..
Dimulai dari milih sekolah
Milih jurusan, ips lah, ipa lah, sastra lah
Milih jurusan di universitas, teknik, seni, komunikasi, ekonomi..
Milih pacar..

Tentunya kita masing-masing punya keinginan sendiri kan...
Tapi tentunya juga sebagai mahluk sosial, keputusan apapun yang kita buat bakal ngaruh juga ke orang lain, terutama orang-orang terdekat..
Dan ketika kita dihadapkan pada pilihan-pilihan itu pasti orang terdekat juga punya opini yang mau ngga mau bakalan ngaruh sama pengambilan keputusan kita toh?

"jangan sekolah di sma'x' chi, culun, belajar mulu" -vs- "coba aja sma itu biar kebawa pinter"
"jangan ambil ips dong, tar kamu ga bisa ambil desain produk" - "jangan maksain ambil ipa deh kalo ngga suka"
"ko pengen masuk seni sih, mau jadi apa?" -vs- "kuliah tuh yang penting kamu enjoy"
"ko masuk universitas itu sih? Kan banyak ayam kampusnya" -vs- "yaah yang penting lulusnya cepet aja chi"
"mama ngga suka kamu pacaran sama dia"-vs- "udahlah mama kamu kan emang gitu, cuek aja jalanin"
"chichi ko pacarnya jelek?" -vs- "wah pacarnya mba chichi cakep ya"
" ko kerja disitu? gaya sih tapi gajinya kecil" -vs- "yang penting networking chi, jalanin aja terus"
Dont you just want to shut their mouth off..
Pengen banget bisa mutusin sendiri semau-maunya kita..
But to be realistic, you cant!
Eventough in the end they always say "its up to you, its your own life.."

Tapi tega ngga sih lo ngeliat muka-muka kecewa orang-orang yang lo sayangi ketika lo cuekin pendapat mereka dan dengan keukeuhnya jalanin yang lo mau?

Pada akhirnya emang kita sendiri yang ngejalanin, ngejalanin capenya, nikmatin hasilnya...
Dan pada akhirnya emang lo sendiri yang harus nentuin pilihan lo..
Cuman satu yang bisa bikin lo bertahan..
Bukan dari capenya ngejalanin itu..
Bukan dari banyaknya hasil yang lo peroleh...
Lo cuman bisa bertahan kalo lo udah commited sama hal itu atau orang itu...

Mungkin di tengah-tengah lo bakal kehilangan passion dari hal itu, less exciting than you tought, useless dan lain-lain...
By that time are you going to leave it?

Do you know the word "commitment" ?

chichi cantik & jahat @ 5:59 AM | |

Monday, June 19, 2006

hallo semua!!

chichi cantik & jahat @ 6:09 AM | |

chichi cantik&jahat

"I'm not a very easy person... very impatience, spiteful, cynical, satirist, unforgiving person...

chichi's current state

24 f jkt
Tryin to love life and everything she have..


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